The main objective of our work is to understand how light signals are translated by photoreceptors and the downstream components involved.
Plants as sessile organisms have acquired a very sophisticated adaptive development that allows them to adjust the phenotype to the environment in which they are found. Light is the external stimulus that most influences plant development and triggers a set of responses called photomorphogenesis (deetiolation), vital for the establishing of plant autotrophy. In the dark, photomorphogenesis is suppressed. The light is perceived by different photoreceptors, among which phytochromes perceive red and far red light and the cryptochromes perceive blue light. Photoreceptors act through various molecular mechanisms such as translocation to the nucleus and interaction with transcription factors, interaction with proteins involved in degradation pathways, and through post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation. Several photoreceptors are regulated by phosphorylation and are capable of inducing phosphorylation / dephosphorylation of other proteins. Our objective is to analyze how photoreceptors are directly or indirectly involved in regulating kinases and / or phosphatases and what would be the biological relevance of these post-translational modifications in vivo. For this, in the laboratory we use the combination of molecular techniques, proteomics studies, and analysis of plant mutants and overexpressant phentypes.
Lab Members
Lic. Natalia Burachik
PhD Student.
Dr. Franco Santin
Lab Tech.
Luciana Castro
PhD Student.
A novel strategy to uncover specific GO terms/phosphorylation pathways in phosphoproteomic data in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Arico DS, Beati P, Wengier DL, Mazzella MA.
BMC Plant Biol. 2021 Dec 14;21(1):592. doi: 10.1186/s12870-021-03377-9. PMID: 34906086; PMCID: PMC8670200.
Neighbour signals perceived by phytochrome B increase thermotolerance in Arabidopsis.
Arico D, Legris M, Castro L, Garcia CF, Laino A, Casal JJ, Mazzella MA.
Plant Cell Environ. 2019 Sep;42(9):2554-2566. doi: 10.1111/pce.13575. PMID: 31069808
A proteome map of a quadruple photoreceptor mutant sustains its severe photosynthetic deficient phenotype.
Fox AR, Barberini ML, Ploschuk EL, Muschietti JP, Mazzella MA.
J Plant Physiol. 2015 ;185:13-23.
Hormonal networks involved in apical hook development in darkness and their response to light.
Mazzella MA, Casal JJ, Muschietti JP, Fox AR. 2014.
Frontiers in plant Sciences, 5, 52 doi:10.3389/fpls.2014.00052.
cry1 and GPA1 signaling genetically interact in hook opening and anthocyanin synthesis in Arabidopsis.
Fox AR, Soto GC, Jones AM, Casal JJ, Muschietti JP, Mazzella MA. 2012.
Plant Mol Biol. Oct;80(3):315-24.
Mutations in two putative phosphorylation motifs in the tomato pollen receptor kinase LePRK2 show antagonistic effects on pollen tube length.
Salem T, Mazzella A, Barberini ML, Wengier D, Motillo V, Parisi G, Muschietti J.
J. .Biol Chem. Feb 11;286(6):4882-91.
STIL, a peculiar molecule from styles, specifically dephosphorylates the pollen receptor kinase LePRK2 and stimulates pollen tube growth in vitro.
Wengier DL, Mazzella MA, Salem TM, McCormick S, Muschietti JP.
BMC Plant Biol. 2010. 222;10:33.
Metabolic responses to red/far red ratios and ontogeny show poor correlation with the growth rate of sunflower stems.
Mazzella MA, Zanor MI, Fernie A, Casal JJ. 2008.
Jorunal of Experimental Botany 59: 2469-2477.
Phytochrome control of the Arabidopsis transcriptome anticipates seedling exposure to light.
Mazzella MA, Arana MV, Staneloni RJ, Perelman S, Rodriguez Batiller MJ, Muschietti J, Cerdán PD, Chen K, Sánchez RA, Zhu T, Chory J, Casal JJ. 2005.
Plant Cell, 17 (9), 2507-2516.
Finding unexpected patterns from microarray data.
Perelman S, Mazzella MA, Muschietti J, Zhu T, Casal JJ. 2003.
Plant Physiology, 133: 1717-1725.
Interactive signalling by phytochrome and cryptochrome generates de-etiolation homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Mazzella MA, Casal JJ.
Plant, Cell and Environment 24, 155-161.
Hierarchical Coupling of phytochromes and cryptochromes reconciles stability and light modulation of Arabidopsis development.
Mazzella MA, Cerdan P, Staneloni R, Casal JJ. 2001.
Development, 128, 2291-2299.
Proyectos de Investigación Plurianuales (PIP). 2020
Shared with Dr. Nahuel González Schain from IBR.
PICT 2018-2021.
PICT 2014-2017.
Estudio del fosfoproteoma inducido por luz. Participación de los fotorreceptores y análisis de la función biológica de fosfoproteínas en plantas.
Proyectos de Investigación Plurianuales (PIP). 2013-2015
Análisis funcional del perfil de fosfoproteínas inducidos por la luz en plantas.
Ex lab members
Dra. Denise Arico
Lic. Christian Lisi
Dra. Romina Fox
- Licenciada en Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. 1995.
- Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Área Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. 2001. Laboratorio del Dr. Jorge Casal, IFEVA UBA
- Postoc en el laboratorio de Jorge Muschietti, INGEBI. 2002.
- Investigador Independiente CONICET. 2015 – Cont.