INGEBI Foundation was created in 1984 with the goal of developing a general interest work focused on exercise and promotion of teaching, scientific and technological research, and technological developments in different branches and forms of application, with special emphasis in biotechnology, genetic engineering and molecular biology.
In order to achieve its mission, Department of Foreign Trade at INGEBI Foundation, has been working for more than 30 years advicing on import and export procedures to Conicet Institutes, Universities and Foundations involved in scientific research.
People working in this department have great experience in managing interventions of third agencies such as ANMAT, SENASA, SIMELA, Secretaría de Lealtal Comercial, and tax exemptions, as well as handling of dangerous and perishable cargoes, being its specialty import of alive animals.
Department of Foreign Trade
Vuelta de Obligado 2490, C1428ADN, CABA, Argentina
+54 11 4780-1597
+54 11 4783-2871 extensions: 33/25

María José Huergo